Not All Insurance Policies Are Equal
Insurance policies are designed to cover specific losses. Their provisions define what is covered and what is not when a hurricane or other severe storm strikes. Understanding these nuances is critical when you have a hurricane damage claim.
Homeowners’ Coverage
Homeowners’ policies can vary between companies. For example, all water damage is not treated the same in insurance policies. The general rule in most homeowners’ property insurance is that damage caused by water from above is usually covered. Damage from water that rises from below is usually not covered. Also, some homeowners’ insurance policies cover wind damage only at a certain speed. Wind over a certain speed is considered a hurricane and requires a specific hurricane insurance policy.
Hurricane Coverage
Optional hurricane insurance covers wind and related water damage, not flooding. It has a similar provision that causes it to kick in when winds reach a specified speed. Property damage from flying debris is also typically covered. This can include:
- Roof damage
- Downed trees and resulting damage
- Damaged siding
- Broken windows
- Damage from falling water through a broken roof
- Food spoilage and other damages from extended power outage
- Hurricane damage to your storage shed, detached garage, or fence
Flood Damage
Flood insurance is specific protection when you incur damage from water that comes from off your property – rising flood waters or storm surges. Some lenders require property buyers to have flood insurance, especially if they are in designated flood zones.
A Florida Property Damage Attorney from Roller Rubinstein can help you determine what your insurance policies cover and pursue damage claims to help restore your Palm Beach property. Contact us today for a FREE policy review and damage claim evaluation.